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Yes, they're ALL mine...

No, I don't regret any of my children. No, we aren't part of a Daycare. No, we don't live in a shoe... but our home might smell like one from time to time with 5 boys.

If the journey of fostering taught me anything, it's that people will inquire just about anything these days. In generations past, there was an etiquette taught about things you ask or say. Like many things in the world today that etiquette has been lost. I am generally a person who is somewhat glad that it has. Don't get out your pitch forks just yet! Let me finish explaining.

I have always LOVED talking to others, and helping others. For me, when people ask about my children, fostering, adopting, and anything that fits in those categories my heart might actually skip a beat. I guess you could say, it is my passion.

My family has an interesting dynamic, and we absolutely love it. Five boys and one girl, each very much their own person, with their own personalities, quirks, physique and style. Three of these babies I birthed, three were adopted. I like to let people ponder and try to figure it out because apparently I have a twisted sense of humor.

Since it was merely 5 months after the adoptions were finalized when my husband and I separated, I have experienced the joys that come with that etiquette being long lost. Yet, I still don't mind so much because it is in those moments that I feel like we as humans get past all the surface level pseudo and dive deep into this thing called reality

No, obviously when I stood before a judge, our family members, children, and friends the day we adopted our precious children I didn't foresee that I would be divorced less than a year later. The same way I didn't see that the day each of our three sons were born. The day I walked down the isle to my husband as a 21 years young, vibrant, naive, and slightly rebellious girl; I surely didn't see divorce in our future at that time either. We were going to conquer the world together. Yet, here we are. 

"If you had it to do over again would you change anything?" 
 There have been days that  I longed to answer this wholeheartedly yes. What I have discovered after 7 months of searching my heart and asking God to do the same and reveal things to me, my final answer is NO. I have no doubts that I married my husband for a reason, and if nothing else 6 amazing lives came out of that union. Yes, especially the 3 we adopted. I'm very aware that 6 kids seems insane. Actually, it is insane I'm not going to attempt to convince you otherwise! Yet, I believe it is the insanity that God called me to; the same God that called me to this equips me to make each day of this insane life, even minus a husband.  

Ecclesiastes 7:10
Do not say, "Why were the days of the past better than these?" For it is not wise to ask this. 

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for well-being and not for trouble, to give you a future and a hope. 

"If you could go back, would you still adopt 3 more kids?" 
I bet you have already figured out my answer to this one... YES! I didn't go into motherhood with any guarantees my husband would always be by my side. I also never fathomed that he wouldn't. Another valuable reminder in this, is none of us are guaranteed anything in this life. Life can literally change from one moment to the next. Obviously, I desired for my children to have a home with both of their parents for the rest of their lives, but this horrible thing called sin changed that outcome.

John 14:18
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 

James 1:27 
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 

"Do you think the strain of 6 kids is what caused your marriage to fail?"
Absolutely not. Don't get me wrong, we were warned when we began the fostering/adoption process to prepare to experience Spiritual Warfare like never before. I believe firmly that Satan wants nothing more than to destroy family units across the globe. Any Christian family can attest to this in their homes. When you start bringing in modern day orphans and showing them and their families the love of Jesus, you had best be in God's Word everyday. Satan just set up a tent somewhere on your property and any foothold or opportunity he can find to cause havoc in the life of your family he will gladly take it. Yet, that comes back to our choices and the sin in our lives. Satan can tempt you, but you still have the freewill to choose to flee. God's Word is full of some wonderful escape plans. 

1 Peter 5:8 
Stay Alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.  

"How do you make everyday with 6 kids, and teaching which is a full time job all alone?"
Here's the answer people don't like to hear. My special ingredient to get through life is Jesus! If I didn't have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior I would likely be a suicidal alcoholic at this point, and no I'm not joking. My hope is found in him and it keeps me from turning to other things to get me through. I have also had to learn to let some of my OCD tendencies go or I was going to live a miserable existence and so were my children. There are days the dishes sit in the sink, the popcorn after movie night stays on the floor until the next day, the laundry is overflowing, and we eat cereal for dinner. I'm investing my time and energy into my kids and our healing right now, NOT the Good Housekeeping Award. Parents, there is no such award or even a participation ribbon in this category; so stop selling your family short seeking after something that doesn't exist, or anything else that really doesn't matter! 

Psalms 28:7 
The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. 

 I know that God has a plan for something wonderful. Something far bigger, and some days I can't wait to see what he does with all of this chaos I am raising under one roof. On the other side, I have days where I plead with him over how I am going to make it past lunch with my crew. On all days, usually at the end of the day when they are asleep and their is peace and sweet silence; I am reminded what a blessing this life is with ALL 6! 

This is a short season of life; raising babies. I am honored to answer HIS call. Even on the hard days. I hope that you can find that today with your own crew, no matter your circumstances. No matter what bills or chores you're facing, if you haven't even got to shower today, or you've refereed more fights in one day than in months past. Count your blessings, name them one by one. 

Keep holding on my friends, 



  1. What a blessed reminder that Jesus is the only person we can count on. Julie, I am so proud of you and grateful to know you, and grateful that God gives different callings to His children. I could not do what you are doing, and others can't do what I do! Isn't He just amazing?!!! I'm saying a prayer you right now. Keep holding on to Him! I love to read your blog! XXOO!


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